Knowledge Areas

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Implementation and Support (SAP & Infor FMS SunSystems)
  • Organizations need methodologies that significantly improve their ability to organize, analyze and integrate loads of financial, operational, market and competitor data. NGL Consulting enables clients to utilize available information to their utmost advantage
Business Intelligence and Knowledge Warehousing
  • Knowledge is power and useful information has now become more important than ever. NGL Consulting provides organizations with tools to come up with executive information systems that make relevant data available for research and decision-making.
Business Integration and Process Reengineering
  • New global trends, changing business models, and evolving technologies are forcing businesses to make relevant changes to their operations. NGL Consulting offers solutions that help companies streamline their processes to come up with better results.
Shared Services and Business Process Outsourcing
  • Cost– and process–efficiencies are common objectives of today’s businesses. NGL presents clients with options on how to integrate certain segments of their business to save on time and cost.
Supply Chain Management
  • Businesses have become more exacting in building more effective supply chains. NGL Consulting enables organizations to manage their supply chains better for a more optimum performance.
Systems Implementation
  • The most intelligent systems are only as good as the team that puts it to work. NGL Consulting’s expertise is comprised not just of the best brains, but also of the most capable hands that execute more customer-friendly systems.
Quality Management
  • Excellence requires consistency in results. NGL Consulting allows clients to sustain top performance through effective quality management models that cover monitoring, reporting and continuous improvement.
Project Management
  • Project management has become a crucial tool for businesses to succeed in today’s fast-paced world where there’s so much going on within a limited time. NGL Consulting enables clients to know the basics of good project management and to ensure that well-conceived projects turn into well-executed outputs.
Human Capital Management
  • People are a company’s most important asset – an asset that needs to be cared for – physically, mentally, professionally. NGL Consulting focuses on two critical people components:
    • Change Management – NGL helps its clients prepare their people for change – big and small – and to accept its implications, commit to its objectives and attain the desired end–state.
    • Organizational Development – NGL enables organizations to build new and improve existing capabilities that would drive them closer to achieving their goals.
Customer Relationship Management
  • As businesses evolve, so do customers. More than good products, they now require superior services that will keep them coming back to their provider of choice. NGL provides organizations with customized systems to keep track of their customers’ behavioral patterns and to use the information to create lasting partnerships.